Executive Board

Our Executive Board is volunteer-based and ensures the fulfillment of our promises.

Edith Schmid

Interested in the impact of digital technologies on our cultural habitats: in the course of digital industrialization, machines are not only re-constructing our physical environments, as previous industrializations did, but are now seizing our mental environments as well. How do we remain self-determined in this epochal transformation? Edith completed her Bachelor in Business Administration at the HSG and her Master in Philosophy of Knowledge at the ETH. Today, she holds a doctorate in practical philosophy at ETH, is co-founder and co-CEO of a MedTech start-up, and is involved in the Dezentrum association as chief financial officer.

Mirko Fischli

He is enthusiastic about everything that has to do with media and technology. He teaches at the FHGR and completed a Business Administration Master in Graubünden in 2019. Mirko loves to exchange ideas with exciting people, learn and try out new things. He is a partner in Dezentrum Ltd. Internally as well as externally he works for the organizational development, leads projects and designs workshops or new products. As a board member, Mirko is responsible for membership management as well as liquidity issues and serves as vice president.

Anna Boos

She investigates the interplay of social, political and ethical dimensions of new technologies. After being a partner at Dezentrum Ltd for four years, she is now fully focused on her research activities at the Chair of Political Philosophy at UZH. There she is writing her dissertation in the field of ethics of artificial intelligence. As president of the association, she remains closely connected to Dezentrum, because she is convinced that digitalization only has a promising future if it is co-designed by civil society.

Stephan Hartmann

Dreams realities and works collaboratively on the assumptions that shape our futures. Is committed to disseminate and research futures literacy and its potential. After dropping out of psychology, he went on to study visual communication, followed by an MA in design with social impact at the Bern University of the Arts and one in digital management at Hyper Island in Manchester. Success as a designer soon opened up new action-spaces. Now his focus lies on societal futures.

Melinda Por

Strives to constantly increase her own diversity of perspectives and is passionate about things that the world needs. Melinda got to know Dezentrum in its early days and is now supporting communications, marketing and PR activities. Her interest in current affairs, media landscapes and social media led into her current job as social media editor at Swiss Radio and Television. On the board, she strives to help the association gain more visibility - because the world needs Dezentrum.